Côte d’Azur, France – Jour 2 (Part 2: Marseille)

After our trip to Nîmes, we were back on the bus, ready to visit the city of Marseille. After arriving at our accommodation just before midnight and an early-morning wake-up call, I think it’s fair to say I was feeling pretty tired. Fortunately, I managed to steal about half an hour of sleep on theContinue reading “Côte d’Azur, France – Jour 2 (Part 2: Marseille)”

An Exchange Student’s Perspective: Coronavirus in France

Leading up to my exchange year in France I was told I needed to be able to adapt to any situation.  Seems obvious right?  Whether it’s delivering an impromptu speech, changing host families or fitting into a new school and way of life.  Well… I can’t say adapting to life amid a global pandemic wasContinue reading “An Exchange Student’s Perspective: Coronavirus in France”

Côte d’Azur, France – Jour 2 (Part 1: Nîmes)

Tuesday the 25th began with a 7:00am wake up call to pack and get ready for the day ahead. Breakfast was a French classic; croissant, bread and a ‘chocolat chaud.’ While eating my breakfast, I couldn’t help but think about how incredibly diverse the room was, packed with students from all four corners of theContinue reading “Côte d’Azur, France – Jour 2 (Part 1: Nîmes)”

Port Douglas

G’day Mate! 👋🏼 In July this year my family and I popped over the other side of the ditch for a holiday in Port Douglas, Australia. 🇦🇺 It felt great to escape the bitter Auckland winter and enter Northern Australia’s winter… if that’s what you can call it. With a temperature of 25 degrees byContinue reading “Port Douglas”

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